our story

Red Wine & White Wine
Groot Constantia Wine Estate produces an award-winning wine to please every palate. Enjoy a fresh and cheerful Blanc de Noir or a beautifully complex Chardonnay. Discover a bold Shiraz or our seductive Grand Constance. With three wine-tasting venues on the estate, you can find your favourite in surroundings that suit your style Black Market deals are such dangerously good value, we have to .
Groot Constantia Wine Estate produces an award-winning wine to please every palate. Enjoy a fresh and cheerful Blanc de Noir or a beautifully complex Chardonnay. Discover a bold Shiraz or our seductive Grand Constance. With three wine-tasting venues on the estate, you can find your favourite in surroundings that suit your style Groot Constantia Wine Estate produces an award-winning wine to please every palate. Enjoy a fresh and cheerful Blanc de Noir or a beautifully complex Chardonnay. Discover a bold Shiraz or our seductive Grand Constance. With three wine-tasting venues on the estate, you can find your match see you apolo beautiful and delicious.Black Market deals are such dangerously good value, we have to.What We Have
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1,800.00 денPorta 6 Blanko
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900.00 ден
Black Market deals are such dangerously good value, we have to hide the wine brand onsite. No cleanskins here, and you’ll find out how awesome the quality is when it hits your doorstep, and your wine glass.
Hirosaky Murse

Black Market deals are such dangerously good value, we have to hide the wine brand onsite. No cleanskins here, and you’ll find out how awesome the quality is when it hits your doorstep, and your wine glass.
One Saitame

Black Market deals are such dangerously good value, we have to hide the wine brand onsite. No cleanskins here, and you’ll find out how awesome the quality is when it hits your doorstep, and your wine glass.
Michiel Huisman
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Enjoy Wine In The Most Delicate Way
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